Level - Unisex Overglove Thermoplus 4000 ~ Black

As low as CA$35.00 Regular Price CA$36.95
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Description: Designed to provide warmth and comfort. A big help in extreme conditions. Easy to roll up and carry in a pocket for use when the weather turns bad.

Insulation: THERMOLINER Soft, supple, and less bulky than high-loft insulation. The exclusive blend of fibers traps in more air for more warmth.

Description: Designed to provide warmth and comfort. A big help in extreme conditions. Easy to roll up and carry in a pocket for use when the weather turns bad.

Insulation: THERMOLINER Soft, supple, and less bulky than high-loft insulation. The exclusive blend of fibers traps in more air for more warmth.

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GroupID 100
FederationID 1000
Product Name French Surgant Thermoplus 4000 ~ noir
Product Description French Description : Conçu pour apporter chaleur et confort, il est d’une aide précieuse dans les conditions extrêmes. Il est aussi facile à enrouler et à transporter dans une poche en prévision du mauvais temps. Isolation : THERMOLINER – Doux, souple et moins encombrant qu’une isolation de haute densité. Le mélange exclusif de fibres piège une plus grande quantité d’air pour plus de chaleur.
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